Before anything, I'd like to say that even though this blog is written in English, I recommend you to do as I did and read the books I criticise in their original language (if you can). This way you'll like them much more and you'll find astute word games and double meanings which will help you read the book in all of its potential.

December 09, 2012

City of Lost Souls - Cassandra Clare


Once again, Cassandra Clare uses her imaginative bestseller series, the Mortal Instruments, to grab the reader until the end. Although not too deep, this series remains extremely addictive and is one of these books that feels like water, running wild until its end. It absorbs the reader completely, and I must say that the perfect readers would be girls between the ages of 10 and 25.
However, I will warn that
the series feels quite endless, and it may start exasperating some of its oldest readers.

Author's official webpage:

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