Before anything, I'd like to say that even though this blog is written in English, I recommend you to do as I did and read the books I criticise in their original language (if you can). This way you'll like them much more and you'll find astute word games and double meanings which will help you read the book in all of its potential.

Your turn!

 If you've invented a story or poem and you'd like to share it with the world, you can post it here so that everyone can read it. If you have a hidden talent to show the world, let everyone discover it through this page!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I am currently writing a true crime story set in Las Vegas tentatively entitled "Repeat Offender".

    The manuscript will be complete soon and publishing will likely be in 2012.

    I was the lead detective in the investigation that started off with breaking up the largest commercial burglary ring in Nevada history. It morphed into a child molestation investigation and grew to where the main suspect tried to solicit someone to kill me, the prosecutor and the judge handling the case.

    Check out the website and join the Facebook page too!


    Bradley Nickell
