Before anything, I'd like to say that even though this blog is written in English, I recommend you to do as I did and read the books I criticise in their original language (if you can). This way you'll like them much more and you'll find astute word games and double meanings which will help you read the book in all of its potential.

June 12, 2011

City of Fallen Angels - Cassandra Clare


This book is the fourth of the Mortal Instruments series. It is much more minimallist that the previous ones and the ending is spectacular although it leaves it clear that this book isn't the last one of the saga. It contains a bit of everything and it grabs you all the way through, from the start to the end, and from my point of view it is even better that the previous books of the collection. It has a lot of mystery, action, emotion and feeling, and it is written in a way that mixes in the reader a wide feeling of curiosity with an incredible sense of caring and emotion. It makes the reader feel the events as if they were one of the main characters.
Jace and Clary deffinately completely attract and steal the reader's heart and attention; but the book isn't boring or insipid in any moment. If you've read the previous books you'll find out that this one is much better, and if you like it I recommend you reading Shadow Web by N.M. Browne. Both books are written, mostly, for relatively young girls and I think that City of Fallen Angels is worth reading (it's one of the best books of its style that I've read) and I hope you like it because I've loved it.

Author's official webpage:

1 comment:

  1. In this novel Simon has made the mistake of dating both Isabel and Maia who are slowly becoming good friends and though he fears flat out telling them, neither does he want them finding out on their own. He does also know that Isabel is dating another man and believes that she won't care. Jace and Clary's romance, on the other hand, slowly becomes more complicated. They haven't actually seen each other since the uprising and Jace fears he might lose her.
