Before anything, I'd like to say that even though this blog is written in English, I recommend you to do as I did and read the books I criticise in their original language (if you can). This way you'll like them much more and you'll find astute word games and double meanings which will help you read the book in all of its potential.

September 26, 2013

Pellinor- Alison Croggon


Pellinor is a series of four books: The Gift, The Riddle, The Crow and The Singing, which are very similar to The Lord of the Rings but much lighter and less dense, and with a more feminine focus. Therefore, I especially recommend reading them to any girl between 12 and 20 years old who liked The Name of the Wind and at the same time the Twilight series.
This is a story full of fantasy, adventure, action and love. And it is exciting. It's one of those series whose ending fills you up inside and makes it seem as if your heart were to explode. It's full of doubts, feeling... and it doesn't let readers down. Even though it seems quite empty from the didactic point of view, it reflects something that includes everyone: internal conflicts which we all have to face and which often block us. But that doesn't stop this from being a perfectly liquid read; ideal to brighten a gloomy mood, and to hook the reader until the very last word.
I must warn that the first few pages may seem basic or dull, but that feature only hides the innocence of the main character during that period of time. While the collection advances, not only the main character, but also the writer and the narrating voice, evolve and mature until they find a strength that reaches one's soul and, moreover, will help not very experienced readers to plunge better into the literary world.

Author's official webpage:

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