Before anything, I'd like to say that even though this blog is written in English, I recommend you to do as I did and read the books I criticise in their original language (if you can). This way you'll like them much more and you'll find astute word games and double meanings which will help you read the book in all of its potential.

March 24, 2013

Wolf Moon - Julio Llamazares


This is a pessimistic and depressing novel which is nevertheless extremely realistic and credible. The characters and their words seem real, and the descriptions are so visual and detailed that the reader discovers, by reading how the main character sees his surroundings, which are his feelings and his moods. I think that the use
of language in this book is spectacular. The sound of each word (in Spanish) are always fitting with what wants to be transmitted, and moreover the way of skipping from scene to scene is, although at the beginning quite confusing, very effective to create emotions in the reader. This way the reader sympathizes with the characters in a very deep scale, ending up in conflict between wanting to know what happens and not wanting to read on and discover the characters' miseries.
In general, this novel is sad, disturbing and very critical. It talks about humans' animal side, about how we can end up losing our humanity. And I think that it is interesting to read because it narrates true stories which happened in real life, in Spain, and therefore it is sobering, it encourages the reader to meditate. This is why I would recommend it to anyone older than 14 years who wants to reflect and doesn't mind some sadness to get in the way.

Author's official webpage: Nonexistent

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